Obtaining a green card in the United States can be overwhelming and difficult. The more information you possess about the steps associated with the green card process, then the more knowledgeable you will be about immigration rights in the United States. You can retain an immigration lawyer to help you with every aspect of the green card application process.

Green Cards and U.S. Immigration Law
Green cards are an important component of immigration law in the United States. The application process can be complex, but it is important to take immigration matters one step at a time. Completing the necessary steps and fulfilling all the requirements will help you have an easier time applying for a green card.
Green cards are associated with lawful permanent residence in the United States. Particular pathways are available when you seek a green card in the United States, and the family based green card is available for family members of U.S. citizens and Lawful Permanent Residents. The following benefits are included with a family based green card:
- Eventually obtain U.S. citizenship
- Travel outside of the U.S.
- Live and work permanently in the United States
For applicants living in the United States, the filing fee for a family based green card is $1760. For applicants living outside the United States, the filing fee for a family based green card is $1200.
Green cards are also referred to as permanent resident cards in the United States. The United States government grants green cards to individuals to provide them with rights to work and live in the U.S. permanently. Individuals who possess green cards do not have to ask for permission to switch employers. One benefit of having a green card is that you will not have to suffer constant anxiety due to the threat of deportation.
Green Cards and Sponsors
Many individuals need to have a sponsor available who is related to the individual who wants to acquire lawful permanent residence status. Those who are already United States citizens may sponsor relatives, including siblings, parents, children, and spouses. Also, lawful permanent residents may sponsor unwed children and spouses.
In some cases, employers sponsor individuals who are seeking green cards. Specific administrative requirements are associated with sponsorship. If you want to learn more about the technical aspects of sponsorship, then you need to speak to an experienced immigration attorney.
The Validity of Green Cards and Conditional Green Cards
The majority of green cards are valid for ten years. Once the ten-year period expires, the green card holder may renew their green card without submitting an additional application. However, if you wed a United States citizen, you may receive what is termed a conditional green card, which will remain valid for two years.
If you do not apply to remove the conditions from a conditional green card before its expiration date, then it is possible you may be deported. If you have questions regarding conditional green cards, you need to make sure you have all your documents prepared when you speak to an immigration lawyer.