Thousands of U.S. travel visas are issued each year. Some come visit for just a few weeks, while others can stay for years. The process and complexities of travel visas can be complicated with several categories, requirements, and processes. Many visitors aren’t sure which visa type is right for them. So we’re breaking down the different U.S. travel visa types and how you can get help with the application process.

Visa Categories
There are two main types of visas in the United States: immigrant and nonimmigrant. Where immigrant visas are for those who plan to live in the U.S. permanently, nonimmigrant visas are for the purpose of business, tourism, and more. Nonimmigrant visas, or travel visas, have an end date; in other words, those with a nonimmigrant visa plan to return to their home country. Depending on the travel visa category, you may or may not require approval from a different governmental department before applying for the travel visa. The type of travel visa depends on the purpose of travel, which can include traveling to receive medical treatment or visiting as a performing artist.
Those who travel the world find the United States to be a vast, fun-filled destination. Others may wish to visit as a team member of a multinational company. B-1 and B-2 visas are reserved for such purposes. Depending on the home country of the visitor, the length of the approved stay can vary from 90 days to several years. Documentation may be required regarding the purpose and length of your visit before the visa is approved.
Students across the world visit the United States to go to school at one of the many prestigious institutions, which requires a U.S. travel visa. Whether it’s a university or vocational training, the student must obtain a visa prior to his or her stay. Some occupations like camp counselors and au pairs fall into this category. Which can include classifications including F, M, and J.
Many workers come to the United States to work on a temporary basis. That could be anyone from a journalist to religious worker who plans to do seasonal or temporary work in the country. Most work nonimmigrant visa applicants are required to file an application with the Department of Labor before a separate application with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Work visas have several different classifications that give priority to certain professions and may require special school or training. Some work visa categories include: B-1, H-1 B, O, L, and I.
Some specific circumstances allow travelers to pass through or visit the United States outside of the above categories. These can include victims of crimes or those in transit.
Can a Lawyer Help You Obtain a Travel Visa?
A U.S. visa lawyer at CoxEsq., P.C. can guide you through the travel visa application process. Our attorneys specialize in assisting with various immigration needs to help them get the correct visa faster. We understand the complexity of U.S. immigration and work diligently to answer your questions, serve as a resource, and get your visa application approved. To go over your case with a member of our law team, contact CoxEsq., P.C. to schedule a free consultation.