For thousands of people around the world, working in the United States is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. However, there are several steps to take before doing so, such as obtaining a work visa. Work visas are broken down by job type and specialty, and each subtype is assigned a certain number of allowed visas per year. In order to increase your chances of being approved, you might be considering hiring an immigration attorney. You probably have questions about what an immigration lawyer is and what they do, and we’re here to answer all of your questions.

immigration lawyer u.s. work visa

What Does an Immigration Lawyer Do?

U.S. immigration laws, rules, and regulations are complex. It takes an expert to fully understand the unique world of immigration and how the path to citizenship looks different for each person. Everyone has different goals when immigrating, and a skilled immigration lawyer should have the experience to help you achieve your goals. Immigration lawyers know all about the unique challenges that immigrants face when working toward citizenship.

How an Immigration Lawyer Can Help You Get a Work Visa

Along with a deep knowledge and understanding of U.S. immigration law, an immigration lawyer can help you with every step of the work visa application process to improve your chances of being approved. 


A lawyer knows which questions to ask in order to understand your goals for obtaining a work visa. It’s important to know whether you plan to work in the United States temporarily or permanently. Depending on your field, the answer may change the approach necessary to apply for a visa. They can also help you understand how your options will affect you in the short term and years down the road. It can also impact whether you apply for a visa or green card. Knowing what to expect ahead of time can help you make an informed decision about your options. 

Application and Paperwork

Work visa applications and other paperwork require great attention to detail and an understanding of what type of information is most important to include. Even a simple mistake can delay your ability to obtain a work visa by years, so it’s important to make sure that all paperwork is fully and properly filled out. Time is especially important regarding work visas because a delayed visa could mean that the job offer is rescinded and you lose the chance to work in the U.S.


Sometimes, you reach a point in your immigration journey that feels like a dead end. Other times, you may be unsure of how to answer a specific question. Hiring a reputable lawyer gives you access to an excellent resource who understands your situation. You can ask all the questions you want and expect an accurate answer to give you  more confidence and assurance along the way.

Discuss Your Case with an Immigration Lawyer

If you’re ready to apply for a U.S. work visa and would like the guidance of an immigration lawyer, the law team at CoxEsq., P.C. is ready to help. We work on a variety of immigration cases and we’re ready to help you achieve your goals of working in the United States. Contact us for your free consultation and to discuss your immigration needs.